Passengers traveling by group, if they so wish, have the right, and the carrier is obliged to apply to these passengers the amount of free baggage allowance. Band free rate applies also to single-family passengers.

The association concerns only the rules of free baggage transportation. The luggage should be made for each passenger separately. The combination of luggage space for a group of passengers relates only to the combined rate of free baggage allowance for each passenger. Group baggage may be issued to one person authorized by all passengers, which is a member of the group of these passengers. At the same time, in the transport documents, each passenger should indicate the number of seats and the weight of his luggage.

On YANAIR flights there is an opportunity to arrange group transportation 9+ people.

The group should consist of 9 or more adult passengers. Children aged 2 to 12 years are treated as one adult passenger.


Transportation route can be either one way or both ways.


Ticket price for group request depends on the date of departure, loading, number of people, class of service. 

* Please note that the rules for applying tariffs for group transportation differ from published tariffs.

Read more in rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage

Terms of application

Application for group transportation is accepted no later than 3 days from the date of the planned departure.

Be sure to mention the following:

  • route;
  • travel dates (departures / arrivals);
  • number of passengers (adults / children).
  • Application for group transportation


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